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April 10-27, 2023 Online 200 hr. Yoga Teacher Training - Vinyasa & Restorative Yoga
The Beginning of the Journey Together
How to Be Successful In This Course
Online Course Curriculum
Pre-Reading - The Heart of Yoga
Pre-Reading: Yoga and Vegetarianism
Order Anatomy and Asana by Susi Hately - available thru Amazon
Mudras Manual
The Teacher Training Manual
Our Schedule of Coursework
Register for Online Classes & Free Vimeo
Pre-Work before course begins - Anatomy & Humanities
Day 1
Sri Krishnamacharya
Breath of the Gods - Life of Krishnamacharya and Quiz (105:10)
Article on Krishnamachary and the lineage
Subtle Body Anatomy
Prana and The Koshas - How Does Yoga Work? Image, Article and Quiz (3:42)
Chakras and Nadis
Chakra Video, quiz and charts to download
Prana and the Vayus & Quiz
Mantras in this Lineage
What is a Mantra? and How Does It Work?
Peace Mantra
Gayatri Mantra
Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu
How Many Times Should We Chant Mantra and the Power of OM
Guru Mantra
Om Mani Padme Hum (hoong)
Jai Ganesha
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra / or Om Trayambakam Ya Jamahe
Asato Ma Sad Gamaya - Lead me from ignorance to truth
Invoking truth, knowledge, bliss, and peace
These are the 6 actions of the spine (3:25)
Chaturanga dandasana Workshop Slides and Video (34:59)
Chakra Focused Sequence
Davannayoga Sequencing Flowchart
Seated Pose Video (9:01)
Standing postures (76:48)
Seated and Standing & Forward Folds (59:07)
Seated and Standing Twists (17:13)
Backbends (47:42)
Inversions (96:36)
Surya Namaskara Sequences (10:23)
1 Leg Balance postures (15:36)
Sukha Namaskara and Janu Namaskara ( traditional Krishnamacharya namaskaras) (1:49)
Savasana (8:02)
Yoga Humanities: History, Philosophy and Ethics
Yoga History Timeline (specific to our studies) 3500- Present
The History of Yoga & Quiz (19:01)
What came first the seated or tree pose? & Quiz (4:40)
Types of Yoga then and now & Quiz
What is Yoga? and Quiz (14:02)
Spirituality or Religion? (2:42)
How the body benefits from yoga practice (4:32)
Psycho-emotional Benefits of Yoga (1:50)
The Yoga Sutras 8 limbs of Yoga and Quiz (12:28)
Yogic Diet & Quiz
Tantra History, philosophy, Mantra, Mudra & Meditation (29:55)
Hatha Yoga - Chakras, Prana & Kundalini & Quiz (27:53)
Sanskrit Studies
Flashcards & Study option in manual
The Importance of Sanskrit in your Teaching - please read
Basic Anatomy Overview and Quiz
muscles & yoga for your reference
Avoiding Injury, common injuries & working with injured practitioners & quiz
Standing Posture yoga anatomy and Quiz
Backbends Yoga Anatomy and Quiz
Forward Fold Yoga Anatomy and Quiz
Twisting Yoga Anatomy and Quiz (6:38)
Inversion Yoga Anatomy and Quiz
Four Body Types (1:51)
Basic Pranayama Lecture & Where to find Pranayama in Manual
The anatomy/physiology of the breath
Kapalbhati (1:17)
Square Breathing (1:36)
Ujjayi Pranayama (1:04)
Anuloma Viloma pranayama /Alternate Nostril Breathing (1:00)
Bhastrika Pranayama (1:45)
Sitali (sheetali) Pranayama/ Sitkari (3:22)
Bhramari Pranayama and Samavrtti pranayamas (3:49)
Surya Bedhi Pranayama (1:40)
Pratiloma & Anuloma Viloma (5:12)
QUIZ - Which Pranayama is good for ?????
Meditations to Practice
Technique #1 So-Haum Meditation
Technique #2 AUM Meditation
Technique #3 Counting back from 10
About Meditation (9:01)
What Are Mudras & some basic Mudras including: Anjali, Jnana, Hakini, Pran, Akasha & Pritvhi
Mudra Reading and Self Study Quiz
Business Of Yoga
Your Business of Yoga Workbook powerpoint
Business of Yoga Workbook pdf to download
Assisting and Adjusting Yoga Asanas
Introduction to Assisting and Adjusting Yoga Asanas (7:15)
Assisting Seated Twists (1:25)
Adho Mukha Svanasana & Balasana Assists (3:47)
Bhujangasana & Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Assists (1:13)
Standing posture Assists (7:37)
Backbend Assists (1:53)
handstand assists (1:00)
Adho Vrshka Assist
Classic Davannayoga Savasana Massage to Assist Deep Relaxation (3:38)
Anna's Favorite Books for Inspiring quotes, readings and more
Yoga Nidra Resources
Hatha Yoga
Restorative Yoga
Yoga and Anatomy
Pranayama resources
The Yoga Sutras
Invoking truth, knowledge, bliss, and peace
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