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6 days of Breathing Instruction with Anna Laurita
Here is where we begin
Basic overview of course - a video (5:25)
Sitting for Pranayama - here are some suggestions
What is Conscious Breathing? An Article By Anna Laurita
What is the right way to breathe? What's our goal?
Day 1
Day 1 - Today - a video with Anna (2:44)
Video - Let's Breathe
Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing (2:37)
How breathing works - the diaphragm and lungs - a video (2:11)
3 part breath (dirga breath), diaphragmatic & Belly Breath Explained & when to use
Day 1 - Homework
Resources on Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing
Interesting techique to unblock your nose if it is blocked
Day 2 - Equal Breathing for Relaxation and Balance
Conscious breathing & your nervous system - a video (9:11)
Equal Breathing benefits, effects & research with step by step written instruction
Video of equal breathing technique with Anna (11:12)
More Resources on slow breathing and Vagus Nerve
Homework Day 2 - Equal Breathing
Day 3 - Alternate Nostril Breathing - Nadi Sodhana - for balance of energy
Human Nasal Cycle - Did you know? An Article by Anna
Alternate Nostril Breathing Practice Here (7:18)
Research on Alternate Nostril Breathing slide show
Day 4 - Square breathing for Focus and Clarity
Description of Square Breathing, Benefits and Variations
Video instruction on Square Breathing, Sama-vrtti (1:36)
References on Square Breathing & Navy Seals
Homework for tonight and tomorrow
Day 5 - Get Vibrant - Kapalbhati for energy!
What is Prana?
Written and Video Instruction on Kapalbhati
Resources on Prana and Kapalbhati
Day 6: 4-8 breathing - the importance of the Exhale & 4 part breath
Why should I exhale longer than inhale?
4:8 technique & bonus! 4 part breath or pratiloma krama (8:47)
General Resources on Pranayama
Books and other resources
In Summary
In Summary by Anna Laurita
If you liked this course...
More Resources on slow breathing and Vagus Nerve
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