You'll receive:

  • A downloadable printed yoga sequence for peace, calm, clarity and confidence
  • Video instruction on the sequence
  • Two video pranayama lessons
  • Instruction on a mudra for the sequence
  • Instruction on So Haum meditation
  • An audio file of the mantra for this sequence

AND, You can return to these materials for years to come to remember the finer details.

"This course has given me the confidence to create my first complete self- practice!!"

I love how you give options to adapt the sequence to suit my daily needs, starting with setting an intention and building from there. I am grateful to you for encouraging self care and making online classes available. Much Love, Deanna. 

Deanna L.

Namaste, I'm Anna

I am happy to show you a short and peaceful sequence to bring openness to your body, clarity to your mind and confidence to your being. I hope you'll enjoy this sequence.

Select a pricing plan and sign up

Learn mantras to use in this practice as you set your intention for peace unto all beings.

Learn two pranayama (breathing) styles to include in your practice and enhance the peace, calm, clarity & confidence

Learn a mudra (hand gesture) to increase concentration and focus and learn So Haum Meditation to increase self knowledge